Tantric University for Health, Healing & Business Health 

Wisdom & Immortality Begin When Time Stops



Training's & Courses.

Understanding the relationship with what you love to do. In this video a trainee shares his love for water. What he finds fascinating is that he never really connected with water. He says he loves it but feeling is a living breathing being that it is he never considered until now.

On this day as part of his Trainings & Courses we went to the Beach to connect with what he loves. This powerful setting revealed who he really is and how disconnected he really is while doing what he said he loves doing.


"When you are connected to truth you have faith. Truth does not allow suffering."

"The only way to learn is by making mistakes."

Understanding the relationship with what you love to do. In this video a trainee shares his love for water.

What he finds fascinating is that he never really connected with water. He says he loves it. But feeling is a living breathing being that he never considered until now.


Training participant expresses his disassociation turning into connection, have a listen to him. Contact us for your personal lifestyle Coaching and Mentoring.

Transforming Dispassionate Life - Life Class Series.